Thursday, 24 February 2011

Cleaning House...

For my first ever Blog I have chosen the least favourite topic of most every woman on the planet....

the subject of cleaning.

Yep, you heard me...time to clean house ladies!!
Ever stop and wonder if your surroundings are a reflection of who you are, on the inside??
Well, I do....mostly I try not to.
I like a clean house, but I'm not insane about it....out of sight, out of mind is my motto.
I'm not talking about things like making the bed, doing laundry, scrubbing toilets...everyday or weekly stuff.

Nope....I'm talking about the big jobs we ALL avoid.

So here is my big insight (or confession) if you will...
Last week after cleaning both our fridges out (yes 2, we have BIG family), I felt so much lighter, so happy, that I decided to tackle the dreaded pantry...dreaded because I'm pretty sure a year has flown by since it was done by my long-suffering daughter (do-er of the worst household chores).
Well, yesterday was D-Day for the pantry...2 + hours later I had lovely clean shelves full of neatly stacked staples, and....a HUGE garbage bag full of: half eaten cracker boxes past their date, stale cereal, chips, and ancient molasses from last years Christmas baking.
That bag of garbage held enough food (if fresh) to feed a family of 4 for a week. seriously.
Guilt....MAJOR guilt.
To make things worse, as I happily re-stacked cans & jars back into the clean pantry, I realized:

do we really need 4 bottles of pancake syrup, 4 bottles of ketchup, 3 big jars of pickles, 6 boxes of cereal??

Yes, buying multiples saves money for big families, but if we are not consuming these items before the fresh dates and then throwing large amounts away, how much $$ are we actually saving??

Less Waste = more savings $$

So repeat after me...the next time hubby asks for you to pick up 10 cans of Spam on sale...JUST SAY NO!

**next Blog will be much lighter fare and contain go clean something!


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere!!!
    I am not good at cleaning, and I procrastinate.
    If I am what my apartment looks like, I'm in trouble!
    Love you, Ruthie!

  2. Hahaha, I love reading your blog! You're the best..I'm so proud of you :)

  3. Thanks Susan & B...I'll try not to bore you guys with my posts :D

  4. I absolutely agree with you...Cleaning is very cathartic...It's a purging of all the mental/emotional/spiritual junk that clogs our otherwise lighthearted beings. I'm so glad you're writing! xxx

  5. Ruth, you are a woman after my own heart :)
    except that I love cleaning out cabinets, drawers, closets, etc... yup...I am wierd.
    Either that or...I need to do a lot of cathartic purging, to balance my life.
    I get to purge my car...before you come, so that we can zoom around and have fun :)
    Thanks for the pictures...your cabinets, look fantastic!
