Friday 25 February 2011

Comfort Food...Southern Style

Rice Pudding...the Queen of Comfort Food.

When I was a kid, the closest I got to rice pudding was a hot cereal my folks would make out of leftover cooked rice with a little milk, sugar & cinnamon...good stuff, but little did I know what was waiting for me...

Years later, as a newly engaged bride to be, I was introduced to rice pudding for the first time by my fiancĂ©e.
His Grandpa owned a restaurant in Desert Hot Springs, CA, called "Hayden's Fisherman's Wharf of The Desert" (1959 - 1993).
Now that's real mouth full, I know....but the food was amazing!
Grandpa Chuck Hayden grew up in Arkansas and brought a real Southern flair to his seafood restaurant, and I was lucky enough to eat there several times before Grandpa passed away and the restaurant closed its doors.
Each meal ended with Grandpa's rice pudding, so creamy & smooth...and not too sweet.

A few years ago my Mother-in-law shared with me the recipe, which was printed in the "Desert Sun" newspaper as "Hayden's most frequently requested recipe"....and if you take the time to make it, you'll see why.

This recipe is easily doubled and I often bring it to church potluck's, in fact, when I dare bring a different dessert, complaints ensue...


1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup rice
1/2 tsp salt
1 quart whole milk 
1/4 butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup raisins (optional)
Cinnamon sugar & nutmeg

Bring water, rice & salt to boil (in a large, non stick saucepan if you have one).
Simmer on low for 7 minutes.
Add milk & butter, return to boil, cover and simmer on low for 1 hour & 15 minutes.
Gently stir a few times every 20 minutes or so.
Beat eggs, sugar & vanilla (I add a dash of nutmeg) and slowly add to cooked rice mixture in a thin stream while stirring so the eggs don't solidify in the hot liquid.
Heat through, remove from heat and stir in raisins.
Pour into a shallow buttered dish, sprinkle with Cinnamon sugar, cover with plastic wrap and chill for a few hours before serving.

You can also serve it while its still warm, but chilled it has this cold creamy mouth feel that is very close to good ice cream...honest!


  1. ** Just wanted to add that most rice pudding recipes start with cooked rice, or are baked...this one starts with uncooked rice, and is cooked slowly on the a good homemade pudding would be.

  2. :) the next chance that I get to cook, I am making this pudding :)
    Have you ever made choclate pudding from scratch? it tasts pretty amazing, so...I am looking forward to this treat..
    bye the way, there aren't any calories, in this pudding...are there? :)

  3. sadly, there are can use 2% milk but it will taste less creamy.
    I do make chocolate pudding from time-to-time, I tend to scorch it has higher sugar content, so you really have to watch it!

  4. Hey Ruthie, found your blog from fb. Yay for you! Check out my blog too at

    Cheers :)
